Dental implants are a restorative cosmetic dental procedure which can completely transform and complete a smile. They are the strongest tooth rePl.ment method in restorative or cosmetic dentistry and have a patient success rate of over 90%. They are:
– Designed to look and feel precisely like natural teeth
– Excellent support of your natural facial profile via healthy jaw bone density
– Very easy to maintain ~ requires the same hygiene as your natural teeth
What is the procedure?
First, natural tooth forms are fused to the jawbone replicating a natural tooth's root. Following this process, Dr. Fader creates a custom crown (See Bruxzir Esthetic Crowns) or new tooth to rePl. the missing tooth and will be attached to the implant to provide the most aesthetically pleasing, natural-looking rePl.ment.
The Results
Our implant patients are very pleased to have their chewing function restored and brilliant smile rejevenated. Best of all it looks and feels almost exactly like their natural teeth.